FlexGanttFX Developer Manual : 3.3 DualGanttChartContainer


A specialization of MultiGanttChartContainer capable of displaying exactly two instances of GanttChart and keeping their layouts (same table width, same timeline) and their scrolling and zooming behavior in synch. The container distinguishes between a primary and a secondary Gantt chart, where the secondary Gantt chart is located in the detail node section of a MasterDetailPane. It can be hidden or shown on demand. Each one of the two Gantt charts can have its own header and footer. Initially only the primary header and the secondary footer are used. The header for displaying an instance of GanttChartToolBar and the footer for displaying an instance of GanttChartStatusBar. The screenshot below shows the initial appearance of an empty Dual Gantt chart control.


dual-gantt-chart.png (image/png)
dual-gantt-chart.png (image/png)