FlexGanttFX Developer Manual : 3.4.7 Row Rendering


The system layer RowLayer supports pluggable renderers in order to customize the background of each row depending on the row type. In the tutorial we have seen that we can have Aircraft rows and Crew rows. For clarity these two rows could have different background colors. This is something that could be done with a row renderer.

Row Renderer

All row renderers have to subclass RowRenderer. This class defines a final public method called draw() that gets called by the framework. It then calls the protected method drawRow() which subclasses can override. A possible implementation might look like this:

Custom Row Renderer
public class AircraftRowRenderer extends RowRenderer<Aircraft> {
	public AircraftRowRenderer(GraphicsBase<?> graphics) {
		super(graphics, "Aircraft Row Renderer");
	protected void drawRow(Aircraft row,
                           GraphicsContext gc,
                           double w,
                           double h,
                           boolean selected,
                           boolean hover,
                           boolean highlighted,
                           boolean pressed) {
		gc.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);		

This renderer can now be registered with the RowLayer like this:

Row Renderer Registration
GraphicsBase<?> graphics = ganttChart.getGraphics();
					Aircraft.class, new AircraftRowRenderer());

The RowRenderer base implementation is attached to this page and can be downloaded here:

  File Modified

Java Source RowRenderer.java Row renderer base implementation.

Oct 07, 2014 by Dirk Lemmermann



RowRenderer.java (text/plain)