FlexGanttFX Developer Manual : 4.4.2 ListActivityRepository

The ListActivityRepository is an activity repository using one or more list data structures to store activities. This repository can be configured to return different types of result iterators from its query method. The possible values are defined in ListActivityRepository.IteratorType.

Type Description
Returns an iterator that performs a binary search to find the first activity to draw for a given time interval. It will then iterate over all following activities until it finds an activity that starts after the given time interval.
Returns an iterator that performs a linear search to find the first activity to draw for a given time interval. It will then iterate over all following activities until it finds an activity that starts after the given time interval.

Returns an iterator that does not perform any search at all but will start returning activities immediately, no matter whether they are currently located in the visible time interval of the Gantt chart or not. This iterator is used for rows with only a few activities on them.

This iterator is very useful when we want to make sure that the trailing text of an activity will still be shown even if the activity has already scrolled out of the visible area.


simple-iterator.png (image/png)