FlexGanttFX for JavaFX

Available for Java 8 & Java 11+

Gantt charts running on MacBook


FlexGanttFX is supported by DLSC GmbH. We will help you get off the ground quickly.

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Some questions just pop up over and over again. Check them out in our FAQ collection.

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The extensive online developer manual covers all the important aspects of the framework.

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NEW! ScheduleJS the JavaScript version of FlexGanttFX for Web-Native scheduling applications.


These demos highlight some of the many features built right into FlexGanttFX.

Covid Data Explorer - This application downloads today's Covid data (incidents, deaths, etc...) from "Our World in Data" and renders them via FlexGanttFX and the "chart layout" option.

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Emirates Airlines Resource Scheduler - Emirates Airlines uses FlexGanttFX at their headquarter in Dubai to fine-tune the utilization of their aircraft fleet. Emirates developed scheduling procedures and algorithms and FlexGanttFX visualizes the results.

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MSProject File Reader - By using third-party libraries applications can import data from all kinds of sources and display them in a FlexGanttFX UI. In this demo the open source project MPXJ is used to read a Microsoft project data file.

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FlexGanttFX Sampler - This is the online version of the FXSampler demo of FlexGanttFX. Here you can try out all individual samples of this application. Each sample focuses on one or two features built into FlexGanttFX.

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These videos show where and how FlexGanttFX can be used and deployed.

Emirates Airlines - Emirates Airlines implemented a scheduling solution for their fleet based on FlexGanttFX. This video shows how their dispatches use the application to process requests and reschedule their aircrafts.

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European Broadcasting Union (EBU) - Around 150 dispatchers at EBU use an application built on top of FlexGanttFX to schedule resources required for transmitting TV and radio signals from one place to another. Resources include fibre networks, satellites, satellite dishes, etc...

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Emirates Demo on iPad - This video shows a proof of concept (POC) developed for Emirates Airlines running on an iPad. The application has been built natively for iOS via GraalVM and the Gluon plugin.

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Demo on iPhone - This video shows a blank (no data) instance of the Gantt chart control running on an iPhone. The application has been built natively for iOS via GraalVM and the Gluon plugin.

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Demo in Browser on iPad - This video shows the Emirates POC running in Chrome on an iPad. This deployment is possible when using JPro. For more information visit the JPro website.

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Performance Enhancements - Recently various performance enhancements were implemented inside FlexGanttFX. This video shows how the "canvas buffer" works where the drawing canvas is bigger than the visible area and scrolling is performed by "moving" the canvas to the left or right.

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This timeline shows the latest releases of FlexGanttFX

  • 11.12.3 - Scrollbar types. Bug Fixes.

    April 2021

    Option to work with different types of scrollbars. Option to always show or to auto-hide scrollbars. Bug fixes. "Inverse" flag on lasso info object.

  • 11.12.0 - Polishing

    May 2020

    Use of system cursors, row header resizing, consolidated 8.x and 11.x license keys, improved RadarView performance

  • 11.11.0 - Performance Release 2

    Early May 2020

    Redraws only after layout pulse (request redraw), new enhanced row header concept, removed PNG files, started using Ikonli (Material Design Icons)

  • 11.10.0 - Performance Release

    March 2020

    Introduced buffers for row canvases, started drawing lines via Canvas API, much faster lookup of links that need redrawing

  • 11.9.0 - Frozen rows, CSS

    April 2019

    Added support for frozen rows, moved control properties into separate module, enhanced CSS styling

Frequently Asked Questions?

These are some of the most common questions being asked regarding FlexGanttFX. Should you have anything else on your mind then please feel free to contact us.

Is FlexGanttFX an open source project?

No, FlexGanttFX is a commercial software. You need to purchase a developer license once the trial period of 30 days has expired. Once you go into production you require a runtime license for each application / project that you want to ship.

Do you have a Swing version of FlexGanttFX?

Yes we do. Take a look at the product's home on the DLSC website or contact us and we will tell you more about it. The Swing version works with any Java version above 8.

Which Java versions does FlexGanttFX support?

We have versions for Java 8 and Java 11+. The Java 8 version will use the JavaFX bundled with the JDK. The newer versions require the artifacts provided by the OpenJFX project.

Do you provide support for FlexGanttFX?

Any licensee will receive basic support and bug fixes. An annual maintenance plan option is also available qualifying you for premium support and free updates when new versions become available.

Does FlexGanttFX run in browsers like Chrome or Safari?

Via JPRO FlexGanttFX runs great in browsers. Check out their website for more info!

Which version of OpenJFX should we use?

Ideally you use the last one, which currently is version 16.

Client Feedback

FlexGanttFX and its predecessor products FlexGantt and DJT have been deployed as part of hundreds of our customers' applications. Read here what some of them have to say about it.

Do you have any questions for us?

Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.