Class TimelineModel<T extends TemporalUnit>

Type Parameters:
T - the temporal unit supported by the model (e.g. ChronoUnit).
Direct Known Subclasses:
ChronoUnitTimelineModel, SimpleUnitTimelineModel

public abstract class TimelineModel<T extends TemporalUnit>
extends Object
The timeline model stores the most important properties related to navigating within time (move forward and backward in time, zoom in and out).
  • Now - the "current" time (e.g. system time).
  • Start time - the first time point that will be visible to the user.
  • Millis per pixel - how much time is represented by a single pixel (important for zooming).
  • Horizon - the earliest and latest point in time to which the user can scroll.
  • Lowest temporal unit - the lowest unit that the user will be able to see (e.g. MINUTES).
  • Highest temporal unit - the highest unit that the user will be able to see (e.g. MONTHS).
This class is also responsible for calculating the location for a given time and vice versa.