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Class Description
Activities represent objects that will be displayed below the timeline in the graphics view of the Gantt chart control.
ActivityBarRenderer<A extends Activity>  
A property sheet item provider for ActivityBarRenderer.
The base implementation of the Activity interface.
Activity bounds contain the visual bounds of and the reference to an activity.
A specialized comparator used for sorting activities.
Activity events are being fired whenever the user makes a change to an activity in the graphics view.
A helper class for working with activities.
ActivityLink<A extends Activity>
An activity link can be used to model any kind of dependency between two activities.
An enumerator listing the available link types.
ActivityRef<A extends Activity>
An activity reference is used to precisely identify the location of an activity where the location is a combination of row, layer, and the activity itself.
ActivityRenderer<A extends Activity>  
A property sheet item provider for ActivityRenderer.
ActivityRepository<A extends Activity>
Activity repositories are used by rows to store and lookup activities.
ActivityRepositoryBase<A extends Activity>
An abstract base implementation of ActivityRepository that provides support for event handlers (adding, removing, firing events).
A couple of utility methods used for the AgendaLayout.
Stores information about an agenda line location.
The agenda layout class is used to lay out activities in a style similar to a regular calendar where a vertical scale will display hours.
An enumerator for the different ways overlapping agenda entries can be laid out.
AgendaLinesLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws the horizontal grid lines for a row if the row or any of its inner lines are using the agenda layout.
A property sheet item provider for AgendaLinesLayer.
AutoLinesManager<R extends Row<?,​?,​A>,​A extends Activity>
A specialized LinesManager used for ensuring that activities will not overlap each other.
Calendar<A extends CalendarActivity>
A calendar is an extension of an activity repository with the additions of a name and a visibility property.
An extension of the Activity interface which marks an activity as something that is being returned / managed by a Calendar.
The base implementation of a calendar activity.
CalendarActivityRenderer<A extends CalendarActivity>  
CalendarBase<A extends CalendarActivity>
An abstract base implementation of an activity repository that implements the Calendar interface.
CalendarLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws the entries returned by the calendars attached to a row or attached to the entire graphics view.
An add-on interface for any activity that is managed by the ChartLayout.
The base implementation of a chart activity, which defines an additional chart value attribute that can be utilized by the ChartLayout to create charts based on activities, e.g.
ChartActivityRenderer<A extends ChartActivity>  
Using the chart layout class results in activities being laid out as chart bars.
ChartLinesLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws the horizontal grid lines for a row if the row or any of its inner lines are using the chart layout (see ChartLayout).
A property sheet item provider for ChartLinesLayer.
The chrono unit dateline model is a specialization of the dateline model that works in combination with the ChronoUnit.
A virtual grid implementation for ChronoUnit.
A resolution type for ChronoUnit that can be used in combination with the ChronoUnitDatelineModel.
A specialized timeline model for the ChronoUnit temporal unit.
A utility class providing methods used in combination with ChronoUnit.
Cluster<A extends Activity>
A cluster is a group of activities placed on multiple columns.
Column<A extends Activity>
A column is part of a Cluster.
An add-on interface for any Activity that wants to visualize a percentage complete value.
The base implementation of a completable activity, which stores a "percentage complete" value between 0 and 100%.
CompletableActivityRenderer<A extends CompletableActivity>  
A property sheet item provider for CompletableActivityRenderer.
ContainerBase<T extends GanttChartBase<?>>
A common base class for containers that wrap two or more Gantt charts.
ContainerSkinBase<T extends ContainerBase>
Created by dirk on 11/07/16.
CurvedLinkRenderer<T extends ActivityLink<?>>
A link renderer used to draw curved link lines between activities of type ActivityLink.
The dateline is a control that displays the actual dates (Mo, Tu, We, ...) in cells in one or more rows.
DatelineCell<T extends TemporalUnit>
Each row / scale in the Dateline consists of several cells.
DatelineModel<T extends TemporalUnit>
The dateline model provides the dateline control with various pieces of information so that it can layout itself correctly.
DragCanvas<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
DSTLineLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws a vertical line at the location of the next daylight savings time change.
A property sheet item provider for DSTLineLayer.
A specialization of DualGanttChartContainerBase capable of displaying exactly two instances of GanttChart and keeping their layouts (same table width, same timeline) and their scrolling and zooming behavior in sync.
DualGanttChartContainerBase<T extends GanttChartBase<?>>
A specialization of ContainerBase capable of displaying exactly two instances of GanttChartBase and keeping their layouts and their scrolling and zooming behavior in sync.
DualGanttChartContainerBaseItemProvider<T extends GanttChartBase<?>>
A property sheet item provider for GanttChartBase.
A specialization of DualGanttChartContainerBase capable of displaying exactly two instances of GanttChartLite and keeping their layouts (e.g same timeline) and their scrolling and zooming behavior in sync.
EqualLinesManager<R extends Row<?,​?,​A>,​A extends Activity>
A lines manager that equally distributes the available row height to all lines.
The eventline is a control that displays time cursors and other information that might be relevant for all rows in the Gantt chart.
Utility class for setting the license key.
The super class of most controls found inside FlexGanttFX.
FlipPane<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
GanttChart<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A control used to visualize any kind of scheduling data along a timeline.
An enum used for specifying how to layout the Gantt chart.
An enum used to control the visuals of the cells in the row header column.
GanttChartBase<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Abstract base class for all Gantt chart controls.
Defines the type of scrollbar to be used for scrolling horizontally.
GanttChartBaseItemProvider<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A property sheet item provider for GanttChartBase.
GanttChartBaseSkin<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>,​C extends GanttChartBase<R>>  
A tab pane containing four tabs with property sheets for controls, renderers, background, and foreground layers.
GanttChartItemProvider<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A property sheet item provider for GanttChart.
GanttChartLite<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A control used to visualize any kind of scheduling data along a timeline.
GanttChartLiteSkin<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
GanttChartPropertySheet<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A property sheet implementation for use with the property sheet view of ControlsFX.
GanttChartSkin<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
GanttChartStatusBar<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A statusbar implementation that can be used in combination with the Gantt chart control.
GanttChartToolBar<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A toolbar implementation that can be used in combination with the Gantt chart control.
GanttChartTreeItem<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A specialization of tree item for use with the GanttChart tree table view.
GanttChartTreeTableRow<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
The standard layout used by all rows and lines.
GraphicsBase<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
The graphics view control is responsible for the rendering of activities and system layers, the editing of activities, the event notifications, the hit detection, system layer management, and for context menu support.
GraphicsBase.ContextMenuParameter<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A callback parameter class used for displaying a context menu.
An enumerator used to define how to visuzalize the dragged activity during a drag and drop operation.
The drag and drop info class aggregates the various pieces of information that the application might be interested in while a drag and drop operation is in progress.
A callback parameter object used for determining if the proposed GraphicsBase.EditMode is currently allowed or not.
An enumeration of possible editing states that the graphics view can be in.
A callback parameter object used by the edit mode callback that provides information about the context for which the edit mode will be determined.
An enumerator used to control the selection behaviour of the lasso.
GraphicsBase.RowControlsParameter<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A callback parameter object used to provide context for the row controls factory.
An enumerator used to define how many rows can show their row editors at the same time.
GraphicsBase.RowEditorParameter<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A callback parameter object used to provide context for the row editor factory.
GraphicsBase.RowHeader<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A row header is a node that can be displayed to the left of each row inside the graphics area.
An enumerator used to control the selection behaviour of the graphics view.
GraphicsBaseItemProvider<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A property sheet item provider for GraphicsBase.
GraphicsBaseSkin<C extends GraphicsBase<R>,​R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
GridLinesLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws the vertical grid lines based on the scale resolutions currently present in the dateline.
A property sheet item provider for GridLinesLayer.
An add-on interface for Activity used for activities that want to be shown as "High Low Sticks" (e.g.
The base implementation of a high-low activity, which are used in combination with a ChartLayout.
HoverTimeIntervalLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws the hover time interval specified by the dateline.
A property sheet item provider for HoverTimeIntervalLayer.
An exception type used to indicate that the line index used for an activity is not within the possible range for a given row.
InnerLinesLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws separator lines between inner lines.
A property sheet item provider for InnerLinesLayer.
IntervalTree<A extends Activity>
An interval tree implementation to store activities based on their start and end time.
IntervalTreeActivityRepository<A extends Activity>
A repository implementation that utilizes binary interval trees to store its activities.
This factory creates property sheet items for a given object.
Item providers are used to return a list of items for the property sheet view of ControlsFX.
Lasso events are being fired whenever the user uses the lasso tool to select a time interval on one or more rows.
Stores information about the last lasso operation performed by the user.
Layers are used to group activities together.
LayersView<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A control used for displaying the list of layers used by the GraphicsBase.
LayersViewSkin<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
Each row and each inner line of a row are associated with a layout.
LayoutLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws the layout padding areas.
A property sheet item provider for LayoutLayer.
LinesManager<A extends Activity>
A lines manager is used to control the layout of lines inside a row.
LinesManagerBase<A extends Activity>
A base class for new LinesManager types.
LinkRenderer<T extends ActivityLink<?>>
The base class for all link renderers.
An enum listing the various directions the arrow can be painted.
An enumerator of possible locations that the target object can have relative to the source object.
LinksCanvas<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
ListActivityRepository<A extends Activity>
A repository implementation that utilizes several lists for storing activities.
A list of possible iterators that the repository can return when the application queries the repository for the activities within a given time interval.
ListViewGraphics<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A specialization of GraphicsBase that uses a ListView to display a list of rows.
ListViewGraphicsSkin<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
Various predefined logging domains used for logging different aspects of the framework.
A formatter for the logging framework.
A utility class used for translating strings of the framework.
A utility class used for translating strings of the framework.
A container capable of displaying multiple instances of GanttChart and keeping their layouts (same table width, same timeline) and their scrolling and zooming behaviour in sync.
MultiGanttChartContainerBase<T extends GanttChartBase<?>>
A container capable of displaying multiple instances of GanttChartBase and keeping their layouts and their scrolling and zooming behaviour in sync.
MultiGanttChartContainerSkinBase<T extends ContainerBase>  
A container capable of displaying multiple instances of GanttChartLite and keeping their layouts and their scrolling and zooming behaviour in sync.
An add-on interface that needs to be implemented by any activity that can be edited interactively by the user.
The base implementation of a mutable activity.
MutableActivityRepository<A extends Activity>
The required interface for a repository that is also mutable (activities can be added and removed).
MutableActivityRepositoryBase<A extends Activity>  
A mutable calendar activity base implementation.
An add-on interface for chart activities where it should be possible to change the chart value at a later time.
The base implementation of a mutable chart activity.
An add-on interface for completable activities where the user should be able to interactively edit the percentage complete value.
The base implementation of a mutable and completable activity.
An add-on interface for high-low activities which allows the user to interactively edit the high and low value of the activity.
The base implementation of a mutable high / low activity.
NowLineLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws a vertical line at the location of the current time / now time.
A property sheet item provider for NowLineLayer.
The path builder is used to compute path nodes for instances of type ActivityLink.
An enum listing the various directions the arrow can be painted.
An enumerator of possible locations that the target object can have relative to the source object.
Placement<A extends Activity>
A data structure to store the placement of an activity.
An enumerator used for specifying the position of a control or an activity.
A specialization of QuadGanttChartContainerBase capable of displaying exactly four instances of GanttChart and keeping their layouts (same table width, same timeline) and their scrolling and zooming behavior in sync.
QuadGanttChartContainerBase<T extends GanttChartBase<?>>
A specialization of ContainerBase capable of displaying exactly four instances of GanttChartBase and keeping their layouts and their scrolling and zooming behavior in sync.
QuadGanttChartContainerBaseItemProvider<T extends GanttChartBase<?>>
A property sheet item provider for GanttChartBase.
A specialization of QuadGanttChartContainerBase capable of displaying exactly four instances of GanttChartLite and keeping their layouts and their scrolling and zooming behavior in sync.
RadarView<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A control used for rendering an overview of all activities within a Gantt chart or to be more precise a GraphicsBase.
Radar View
RadarViewSkin<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
The base class of all renderers used by FlexGanttFX.
A property sheet item provider for Renderer.
An event class used by activity repositories to inform event handlers about changes.
An exception type used in the context of ActivityRepository whenever something goes wrong inside the repository.
Resolution<T extends TemporalUnit>
A resolution represents the visual representation of a temporal unit.
A utility class to fix the problem of overlapping activities.
ResolverResult<A extends Activity>
The result object returned by the Resolver class after resolving conflicts between overlapping activities.
Row<P extends Row<?,​?,​?>,​C extends Row<?,​?,​?>,​A extends Activity>
A row object is used to store the activities found on a row of the Gantt chart.
RowCanvas<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
RowCanvasBehaviour<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
RowCell<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
RowControls<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A simple row controls view with only one button called "Edit".
RowHeaderColumn<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
The row header is a specialized column which is used for controlling the height of each row and for adding row numbers / row outline levels in front of each row.
RowLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws the background of each row.
RowPane<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
RowRenderer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
ScaleRowHeader<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws a scale for an entire row or for each line within the row.
SelectedTimeIntervalsLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws the time intervals that were selected by the user (or the application) in the dateline.
A property sheet item provider for SelectedTimeIntervalsLayer.
A custom temporal unit used for showing numbered units (1, 2, 3, ...
A virtual grid implementation for SimpleUnit.
A resolution type for SimpleUnit that can be used in combination with the SimpleUnitDatelineModel.
A specialized timeline model for the SimpleUnit temporal unit.
SingleRowGraphics<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A specialization of GraphicsBase that displays exactly one row.
SingleRowGraphicsSkin<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
SplitPaneGraphics<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A specialization of GraphicsBase that displays several rows inside a SplitPane.
SplitPaneGraphicsSkin<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
StraightLinkRenderer<T extends ActivityLink<?>>
The straight link renderer is used to draw any link of type ActivityLink.
A couple of utility methods for working with strings.
SystemLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
System layers are used in the background and foreground of each row.
A property sheet item provider for SystemLayer.
A convenience class for storing a pair of instants that define a time interval.
The timeline control is a container for the Dateline and the Eventline.
An enum used to control the way that zooming operations will happen.
TimelineModel<T extends TemporalUnit>
The timeline model stores the most important properties related to navigating within time (move forward and backward in time, zoom in and out).
A specialized PlusMinusSlider for controlling the Timeline inside the GanttChart view.
A time tracker can be used to update the property TimelineModel.nowProperty().
VBoxGraphics<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
A specialization of GraphicsBase that displays several rows inside a VBox.
VBoxGraphicsSkin<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>  
VirtualGrid<T extends TemporalUnit>
A utility class for supporting an invisible grid for editing operations on activities.
A control used to select a VirtualGrid from a list of possible virtual grids.
A calendar specialized on returning activities that represent weekend days (default: saturday, sunday).
A specialized calendar activity used to represent weekend days (e.g.
WeekendCalendarActivityRenderer<A extends WeekendCalendarActivity>  
A property sheet item provider for ZoomTimeIntervalLayer.
ZoomTimeIntervalLayer<R extends Row<?,​?,​?>>
Draws the zoom interval as defined by the timeline property Dateline.selectedTimeIntervalProperty().